← Return to Beneath Twisted Earth
- February 12, 2025 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Cloudshore Games, #Mecha, #Mechs, #There Is No Outside, #Liminal, #Scifi, #Cyberpunk, #anime, #ecohorror, #news, #devlog, #Vibe SystemGreetings, Dan here! So it's been just over a month since the Beneath Twisted Earth Print Edition launched on DriveThruRPG, and we've been busy in the background. I just wanted to take a moment to che... Continue reading
- January 08, 2025 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #devlog, #launch, #new, #mecha, #mech, #mechs, #print, #physical, #TTRPG, #Cloudshore Games, #news, #dystopian, #cyberpunk, #ecopunkGreetings, Dan here! I cannot tell you how proud I am to announce that after two years in the making, Beneath Twisted Earth is now available to get in print formant! Available now at DriveThruRPG. The... Continue reading
- January 03, 2025 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mecha, #Mechs, #Print, #News, #Update, #TTRPG, #CloudshoreSoon... ( Also featured in photo: Mutants and Masterminds 2e Mecha and Manga supplement, The Mecha Hack, MechWarrior Destiny, Transformers TTRPG, and Mekton. All other featured books are property of t... Continue reading
- November 28, 2024 by Cloudshore2#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mechs, #Mecha, #Mech, #TTRPG, #ecohorror, #dystopian, #science fiction, #scifi, #Cloudshore Games, #Release, #LaunchGreetings, Dan here! I am excited to finally announce that the Beneath Twisted Earth Premium PDF is here! Currently available for $15 on Itch.io, DriveThruRPG, and Lulu. The Premium PDF is fully laid... Continue reading
- November 23, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mech, #Mecha, #TTRPG, #Dystopian, #News, #Devlog, #Release DateGreetings, Dan here! To quote the good doctor, "Good news, everyone!" First, some quick housekeeping: today I have uploaded version 1.4 of the Beneath Twisted Earth Free PDF. This version will bring t... Continue reading
- October 27, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive, #BTE, #BTE: Overdrive, #Mecha, #Mechs, #Mech, #TTRPG, #game developement, #preview, #news, #adversaries, #enemiesHello, Dan here, This week I bring you the last preview for Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive. We're going to be taking a look at some of the new adversaries that will be added to the game. In the core... Continue reading
- September 15, 2024 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive, #BTE, #Devlog, #Mechs, #Mecha, #Preview, #expansion, #ttrpgGreetings, Dan here! In Beneath Twisted Earth one of the primary choices your squadron will make is what employers you will work for. The various factions that offer contracts tend to come in two flav... Continue reading
- August 17, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #mechs, #mecha, #ttrpg, #devlog, #preview, #OverdriveGreetings, Dan Here! This week we'll be taking a look at a new player option that is designed to encourage roleplay based around a player's mech. Machine Tulpas as a concept were built around the conc... Continue reading
- August 04, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mechs, #Mecha, #devlog, #ttrpg, #preview, #OverdriveGreetings, Dan Here! In these previews, we've seen a lot of new player options presented from the supplement for both the pilot and their mech. Yet, from all the new mech options, we've seen nothing c... Continue reading
- July 27, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #mechs, #mecha, #ttrpg, #news, #preview, #OverdriveGreetings, Dan here! Today we return to our ongoing previews of Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive, the first supplement for BTE! This time we're taking a look at some of the supernatural elements that... Continue reading
- July 20, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mechs, #Mecha, #APOCALYPSE FRAME, #Steel Hearts, #Fist World Volga, #Crossover, #Prergens, #Supplement, #devlog, #ttrpgGreetings, Dan here! Here it is: Beneath Twisted Earth Crossover Pregen Pack #1! One pack for three mechs from each of three amazing games, APOCALYPSE FRAME, Steel Hearts, and Fist World Volga. GMs wi... Continue reading
- July 06, 2024 by Cloudshore2#Beneath Twisted Earth, #Fist World Volga, #BTE, #Mecha, #Mechs, #crossover, #newsGreetings, Dan here! This week we have the last of the three individual pregen crossover packs. For folks coming just to check out BTE through a mech from their other mech campaign, I've released each... Continue reading
- June 30, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #Steel Hearts, #BTE, #devlog, #crossover, #pregen, #ttrpg, #news, #mecha, #mechsGreetings, Dan here! This week we have the next of the three individual pregen crossover packs. For folks coming just to check out BTE through a mech from their other mech campaign, I'll be releasing... Continue reading
- June 23, 2024 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Apocalypse Frame, #mechs, #mecha, #ttrpg, #news, #crossover, #pregenGreetings, Dan here! Today I'm happy to bring you the first of the Beneath Twisted Earth individual crossover packs. For folks coming just to check out BTE through a mech from their other mech campaig... Continue reading
- June 20, 2024 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mechs, #Mecha, #Devlog, #news, #game developement, #ttrpgGreetings, Dan Here! I know you were probably expecting the next update to be the first of the crossover pregen files, but before those were rolled out, I just wanted to provide a quick update to the... Continue reading
- June 14, 2024 by Cloudshore2#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mechs, #Mecha, #Crossover, #news, #ttrpg, #devlog, #Steel Hearts, #Fist World Volga, #Apocalypse Frame, #PregensGreetings, Dan Here, I'm excited to announce that a project that I've been working on with some very talented folks has come to completion. Cloudshore Games has teamed up with some fellow indie mech c... Continue reading
- June 09, 2024 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #mech, #mecha, #devlog, #news, #preview, #Overdrive, #Disposable Equipment, #expansionGreetings, Dan here! Today's Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive preview is featuring the new Disposables that will be available in the expansion. In the core game disposable equipment made up cheaper, t... Continue reading
- May 29, 2024 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #Overdrive, #devlog, #news, #mech, #mecha, #TTRPG, #previewGreetings, Dan here, With new mech options comes new weapon system options, specifically, Weapon Mods! Much as with the other equipment from this expansion, the mods are designed to incorporate new st... Continue reading
- May 19, 2024 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mecha, #Mechs, #Dystopian, #TTRPG, #Roleplay, #Devlog, #Preview, #News, #OverdriveGreetings, Dan here! As promised I come today with a preview for Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive in the form of a sneak peek at the Combiner Rules! Now any squadrons seeking to take their teamwork to... Continue reading
- May 17, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #News, #devlog, #announcement, #mecha, #dystopian, #mech, #TTRPG, #version updateGreetings, Dan Here! I come bearing an update! BTE Free Version has just been updated to version 1.3! Now just like the last versions this includes only minor updates which will be consistent with the... Continue reading
- April 21, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mechs, #Mecha, #TTRPG, #Dystopian, #Cyberpunk, #Devlog, #PreviewGreetings, Dan here! We interrupt your regularly scheduled preview for Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive features, for a completely different, surprise preview of the Beneath Twisted Earth Premium Vers... Continue reading
- April 17, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Overdrive, #Mechs, #Mecha, #TTRPG, #Dystopian, #devlog, #previewGreetings, Dan here! Welcome back to the Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive preview series where you can get a sneak peak into each of the sections contained in the expansion. Naturally, you cannot have... Continue reading
- April 07, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Overdrive, #mecha, #mechs, #devlog, #expansion, #suppliment, #TTRPGGreetings, Dan here! One of the main goals for Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive was to provide GMs and players with supernatural options for their campaigns. This encompasses several additions across... Continue reading
- April 03, 2024 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #mech, #mecha, #TTRPG, #roleplaying, #dystopian, #cyberpunk, #devlog, #news, #OverdriveGreetings, Dan here, When it comes to mech TTRPGs there is a spectrum of design on where the focus of the game is placed. On the one end you have the mech and on the other you have the pilot. The core... Continue reading
- March 24, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #devlog, #preview, #Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive, #BTE: Overdrive, #Overdrive, #skills, #pilots, #mechs, #mecha, #game designGreetings, Dan here! As work continues on the layout of the premium versions of the game (more page previews coming soon), I am hard at work on Beneath Twisted Earth's first expansion, BTE: Overdrive... Continue reading
- March 06, 2024 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #mech, #mecha, #devlog, #news, #expansion, #ttrpgGreetings, Dan here! I'm excited to share a couple of pieces of news today. The first is that Beneath Twisted Earth is now available on another marketplace. Digital and in the future, print copies of... Continue reading
- February 18, 2024 by Cloudshore1#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mechs, #Mecha, #devlog, #news, #TTRPGGreetings, Dan here! Been a little bit, folks, but I have several things to report. First and foremost, layout of the Premium PDF/Print Versions of BTE continues, and soon I will be posting again with... Continue reading
- January 28, 2024 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #news, #mechs, #mecha, #ttrpgGreetings, Dan here, So its been a bit since my last update. Work proceeds on the premium PDF/print layout. It looks very sleek and I am very excited to share a preview spread soon. Today though, I'm... Continue reading
- December 10, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mech, #Mecha, #devlog, #Mech Construction, #update, #Pregens, #ttrpgGreetings, Dan Here! The BTE Pregen Pack 1 is now up and available for download. This pack of pregenerated mechs is meant to help GMs looking to run a quick one-shot whether that be at a con or friend... Continue reading
- November 25, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mecha, #Mechs, #devlog, #News, #AnnouncementGreetings, Dan Here! So I am pleased to announce that a new graphic designer has joined the Beneath Twisted Earth team. This gentleman goes by the name of Rick Courtney, and will be designing the layo... Continue reading
- November 18, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Mech, #Mecha, #TTRPG, #Devlog, #Weapon Skill ImprovementGreetings, Dan here! So I recently started playing Front Mission 3 again, which has reminded me how much inspiration it provided for Beneath Twisted Earth. One mechanic it has that can be found in BTE... Continue reading
- November 04, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Announcement, #devlog, #mecha, #mechs, #ttrpgGreetings, Dan here! I come with news! Admittedly probably should have given you all an update before now. I'll see what I can do about that, but yes, the update! To begin with, Beneath Twisted Earth... Continue reading
- October 25, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #Mech Construction, #devlog, #BTE, #mechs, #mecha, #ttrpgGreetings, Dan here! So last week I said we would be building Gauntlet from Beneath Twisted Earth's prose intro, well as you may have surmised from the title, I lied. We will be building both the Gaun... Continue reading
- October 14, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #devlog, #Mech Construction, #BTE, #Mecha, #MechsGreetings, Dan here! As I alluded to last week, I have been holding off on featuring a zord from the Power Rangers franchise in these showcases as BTE does not currently feature combining mechs (thoug... Continue reading
- October 08, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #devlog, #Mech Construction ShowcaseGreetings, Dan here! Today we're going back to the beginning, to HG Wells 1897 science fiction novel, War of the Worlds and the earliest example of a walking tank or mech in fiction to my knowledge. I... Continue reading
- October 01, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #Mech Construction Showcase, #devlog, #BTE, #mecha, #mechsGreetings, Dan here, Today we're going to be building the Neue Ziel from Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory. I'll admit I have some history with this one (which is why I chose it for today's "groundless" me... Continue reading
- September 26, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #devlog, #mech construction, #ttrpg, #mecha, #BTEGreetings, Dan here! I consider the Kaiju fiction/gaming to be a sister genre to Mech franchises. After all, giant robots and monsters often feature in each. Being a longtime fan of the Godzilla franc... Continue reading
- September 15, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #devlog, #mech construction, #mecha, #mechsGreetings, Dan here! Today we're going to stretch the method of skinning mechanics to create a purely organic biomech in the form of the Armored Titan from Attack on Titan. Briefly, I know this would... Continue reading
- September 09, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #mecha, #mech construction, #devlog, #BTEGreetings, Dan here! In the early 2000's I had the privilege of getting to watch Megas XLR, a two season, anime/video game/MTV inspired western animation show about a super robot sent back in time. On... Continue reading
- September 03, 2023 by Cloudshore#BTE, #Beneath Twisted Earth, #Mech Construction, #devlog, #mecha, #mechNow I know for any Gundam fans that come across this showcase, they will wonder why I chose the Shining Gundam over say the RX-78 or Gundam Unicorn. I have a few reasons. This series of showcases has... Continue reading
- August 24, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #Mech Construction, #devlog, #mecha, #mechs, #BTEGreetings, Dan here! Armored Core is one of the primary inspirations behind Beneath Twisted Earth. I played it back during Gen 1, and would occasionally return to replay it to get that same feeling. W... Continue reading
- August 21, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #BTE, #Devlog, #Rules Update, #Mecha, #Mechs, #Indie, #TTRPG, #v1.1Greetings, Dan here! AMBUSH UPDATE: Version 1.1 So I know what you're going to say. Dan, the game's been out, what a month, and you haven't even release the full version yet, and you're already puttin... Continue reading
- August 18, 2023 by Cloudshore#Beneath Twisted Earth, #Mech Construction, #Devlog, #mecha, #ttrpg, #BTE, #MechsGreetings, Dan here! For our previous two Mech Construction showcases we focused on a humanoid and gun-chicken for factors when building our example mechs. This time, I wanted to focus on making a spe... Continue reading
- August 13, 2023 by Cloudshore#BTE, #Beneath Twisted Earth, #Mech Showcase, #Construction, #Mecha, #DevlogGreetings, Dan here! Real quick before we get started it was asked if we intended to make BTE available on Roll20. I admit I've only sparingly used the service as I do most of my gaming at the table,... Continue reading
- August 06, 2023 by Cloudshore#devlog, #BTE, #Beneath Twisted Earth, #Sample Mech, #Mechanics, #Mech Construction, #King CrabGreetings, Dan Here! Layout for the standard version of the core rulebook continues steadily. While everyone waits, I thought I might post some devlogs to showcase the variety in the mech construction... Continue reading
- July 29, 2023 by Cloudshore#BTE, #Beneath Twisted Earth, #Free Version, #Devlog, #AnnouncementGreetings, Dan here! So we suffered delays due to software issues, and medical emergencies; however, the Beneath Twisted Earth Free Version is now online and ready to download! As a reminder this free... Continue reading
- July 21, 2023 by Cloudshore#BTE, #gamedev, #Beneath Twisted Earth, #ReleaseHi there! Dan here, So I may have paid extra attention to the character sheet and did some last minute rules tweaks that has delayed layout. As I said in a previous devlog this will not delay the rele... Continue reading
- July 14, 2023 by Cloudshore#Update, #Core Rulebook, #Beneath Twisted EarthGreetings, Dan here! I am the writer and designer of Beneath Twisted Earth. I have not been keeping a devlog for this project as yet, and that is mostly because it's been a personal endeavor. Now that... Continue reading