Forward Intelligence: BTE Overdrive - Counter Paranormal Equipment

Greetings, Dan here!

Today we return to our ongoing previews of Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive, the first supplement for BTE! This time we're taking a look at some of the supernatural elements that can be added to your campaigns, namely Counter Paranormal Equipment. This type of equipment comprises all new Utilities, Weapon Mods, and Disposables all designed to either counter paranormal threats through the use of reality bending technology. In addition to the 12 new pieces of equipment for each of theses categories available to all pilots, for those who choose to undertake missions from a dangerous, enigmatic new faction known as The Nephilim Foundation, they can gain access to an additional 5 new options for each type of equipment. That's a grand total of 51 new pieces of equipment, (and that's not even counting the X Tech Parts we'll cover next time).

These counter paranormal pieces of equipment are designed to counter Eldritch enemies, combat anomalous environmental effects, and use esoteric technology to perform unprecedented acts on the battlefield. Below, I have included one example for each category of equipment that can be expected:


  • Spatial Slip Frame: As an action the mech may instantaneously teleport to any unoccupied space within range of its current Movement Rate. Using this utility system counts as a movement action.

Weapon Mods

  • Vitae Infuser: As an action, this device will temporarily infuse the equipped weapon with the pilot’s life force, allowing all damage done on the next attack action to deal an additional 3 damage per hit. Regardless of how many hits a target takes, the pilot will immediately lose 2 HP per ammunition used during the attack action. By the end of that action, the life force infused has been expended, and the infuser will need to be activated as an action again for the next use.


  • Psionic Grenade Bandolier: This bandolier holds three psionic grenades. As an action, each grenade can be thrown out to medium range at a designated target by making a mech piloting check. On a success the grenade lands as intended, emitting a psychic shriek, dealing 2d6 health point damage to the target and any additional within melee range. This effect is not hindered by physical obstacles and technological targets are immune.

Overall, just as the paranormal elements being added to the game will allow for groups to pursue new types of stories in their arks, the counter paranormal equipment adds new avenues for combat even beyond missions dealing with the supernatural. Next time, we'll be taking a look at a new type of high end primary mech parts that surpass even Sakura Industries' capabilities when we take a look at X Tech. 

Before I go, I wanted to reassure everyone that the premium versions are very close to completion. Currently we're aiming for release on the tail end of summer. As always should anything cause further delays I will keep you apprised as to what to expect, but everyone is very excited to wrap up this first run of the game. As a treat, I've included another spread preview from the premium version for you to enjoy:

Until then, thank you for your interest, and I look forward to seeing you at the launch of the Beneath Twisted Earth Premium Versions and Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive!

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