Targets Identified: BTE Overdrive - New Adversaries
Hello, Dan here,
This week I bring you the last preview for Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive. We're going to be taking a look at some of the new adversaries that will be added to the game. In the core version of Beneath Twisted Earth adversary stat blocks were available for three primary sources of dangers, The Twisted Earth, Ark Threats, and The Mesozoins. While eight new factions will be included in Overdrive, most of those can utilize the core adversary stat blocks for missions. The expanded adversaries will be filling out new niches that were not present in the core. Four new categories of adversaries will be featured: Venusian Vanguard Fleet, and Gilgamesh Drones both being new enemies of the arks; Paranormal Threats featuring stat blocks to fill out games featuring supernatural story elements, as well as a new Adversary Type, Eldritch; and finally, On-Foot Threats for human scale adversaries that pilots may face when they are outside of their mechs.
For this preview we're going to take a look at three adversaries:
Marx Drone (Gilgamesh Drones)
- Type: Technological
- Mind: 35
- Body: N/A
- Spirit: 15
- Mech Piloting: 40
- Shield Points: N/A
- Armor Points: 12
- Hit Points: N/A
- Movement Rate: 4
- Reactions: 1
- Attacks
- Blade Limbs: 1d4+4 DMG; RoF 2; 8 Ammo; Melee Range
- Harvester Ammo
- Machine Gun: 1d4+3 DMG; RoF 3; 6 Ammo; Close thru Melee Range
- Harvester Ammo
- Blade Limbs: 1d4+4 DMG; RoF 2; 8 Ammo; Melee Range
- Abilities & Traits
- Networked Intelligence: While combined with another Gilgamesh drone, once per round, may grant a +5 bonus to an action performed by another component drone.
- Equipment
- Combiner Converter
- Wall Walk Frame
- Sensor Suite
- Description
- A versatile Gilgamesh drone class, no two Marx Drones look alike as they are an amalgamation of limbs and circuitry. Designed to solely seek out other Gilgamesh drones to combine to strengthen their abilities. Will prioritize combining with other classes, but if none are present will gather together to form a horrifying visage on the battlefield.
- Tactic
- Seek out another Gilgamesh drone and combine with it as soon as possible. While combined use Networked Intelligence to support. While combined, attack with the Blade Limb or Machine Gun if able while on the Marx Drone’s turn.
Phantom (Paranormal Threats)
- Type: Eldritch
- Mind: 25
- Body: 15
- Spirit: 35
- Mech Piloting: N/A
- Shield Points: N/A
- Armor Points: N/A
- Health Points: 12
- Movement Rate: 2
- Reactions: N/A
- Attacks
- Phantasmal Scratch: 1d4+3 DMG; RoF 2; Unlimited Ammo; Melee Range
- Abilities & Traits
- Eldritch Nature: Attacks are made using the Spirit Stat to hit.
- Invisibility: As an action the Phantom may become invisible to the visual spectrum, but is still detectable to infrared and seismic sensors. This effect is negated if it takes damage, but is not affected if the Phantom attacks an opponent. Attacks made while invisible are at +5 to hit, while attacks made against the Phantom are at -5.
- Posses: As an action the Phantom may possess a creature or object within Melee Range. A pilot may expend a reaction to attempt to Resist this possession. Any object or creature that is successfully possessed falls under the complete control of the Phantom. While a Phantom is possessing a target it cannot be damaged. Possessed Targets may make a Mind check at the end of their turn to attempt to end this effect. On a success, the possession ends and the Phantom is expelled at Melee Range.
- Description
- These large, translucent entities come in many otherworldly shapes, and look like something from deep in the Twisted Earth or another world altogether. While their origins are unknown, The Nephilim Foundation has records of their infiltration amongst societies stretching back into antiquity. While their motivations are as alien as their appearance, they are known to stake claim to a territory and possess individuals/objects that enter it. When Remnants become possessed by one of these phantoms, they behave in odd ways that range from mundane to dangerous.
- Tactic
- When threats become apparent, use an action to become invisible. While hidden, move into striking range of the strongest target to attack them. If the Phantom takes damage, becoming visible again, attempt to possess the strongest target within reach. Prioritize possessing strong targets to force opponents to damage each other rather than taking damage directly.
Bodyguard Bot (On-Foot Threats)
- Type: Technological
- Mind: 25
- Body: N/A
- Spirit: 15
- Mech Piloting: 45
- Shield Points: N/A
- Armor Points: 24
- Health Points: N/A
- Movement Rate: 1
- Reactions: N/A
- Attacks
- Body Blow: 1d10+4 DMG; RoF 1; 4 Ammo; Melee Range
- Deployable Shotgun; 1d6+3; RoF 1; 6 Ammo; Close thru Medium Range
- Abilities & Traits
- Human Scale: Damage is halved to Massive Scale Targets, and Massive Scale Damage deals critical damage on a hit.
- Relentless: Once per combat when the Bodyguard Bot’s AP would drop to 0, it is set at 1 instead.
- Description
- Semi-humanoid machines designed to remain by their owner’s side, protecting them from harm. Coming in a variety of menacing, armored forms, a Bodyguard Bot is usually intimidating enough to discourage anyone from harassing their owner.
- Tactic
- Follow the owner's orders and protect them at any cost. When the owner is threatened, get between the threat and the owner. Depending upon range, use Body Blow or Deployable Shotgun to eliminate threat. If unable to engage the threat, act as a body shield to the owner while attempting to remove them from the area of danger. If able to engage with threat, fight to the death.
In all, BTE Overdrive will feature 25+ new stat blocks for adversaries, with a new adversary type, expanded human-scale opponents, and some rules clarifications regarding on-foot combat.
This concludes our preview of the various expansions and new features that players will be able to use to enhance their games of Beneath Twisted Earth. While much development has gone into this supplement release is still some time away. With the premium versions of the core game slated for Fall 2024, release of BTE Overdrive is currently anticipated for the second half of 2025. Expect to see news soon regarding the final release dates of the premium versions of BTE, and an opportunity sign up for playtesting Overdrive over on our discord. Until then, thank you for your interest, and I look forward to seeing you at the launch of the premium versions of Beneath Twisted Earth, and Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive.
Oh and as one more thank you for stopping by, check out this piece of art from JGD featuring a scene from The Twisted Earth. See if you can spot all of the Noximorphs!
Get Beneath Twisted Earth
Beneath Twisted Earth
Dystopian Mech Roleplaying
Status | In development |
Category | Physical game |
Author | Cloudshore |
Tags | Cyberpunk, Dystopian, ecohorror, Indie, mecha, Mechs, Pixel Art, Sci-fi, scifi, Tabletop role-playing game |
Languages | English |
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