Quartermaster's Eyes Only: BTE Overdrive - New Disposable Equipment!

Greetings, Dan here!

Today's Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive preview is featuring the new Disposables that will be available in the expansion. In the core game disposable equipment made up cheaper, temporary features that a mech could equip in preparation to go on a mission. Similar to utility systems, but reduced in scope. These allowed mechs to be flexible from mission to mission without the need to stockpile utility systems. Rather, these disposables could be picked up on the cheap, used when needed, and discarded. In BTE Overdrive, the options for disposables have been expanded with a focus for disposable weapons that us the pilot's Mech Piloting Skill rather than the weapon skill that is used for a mech's weapon systems, and drones which can aid squadrons that might be missing a specialist role such as hacker or scout. Two examples have been included below for your enjoyment:

  • CyDrone: As an action deploy an autonomous drone capable of interfacing with machines and building systems for the purposes of hacking. It will follow simple commands from the pilot over comms. The drone is equipped with scripts for hacking basic systems such as door locks, surveillance, or communications. Hacking Skill: 35. It can be destroyed by a single hit from an enemy attack. The drone's battery has enough power to make four hacking attempts, after which point a replacement battery costs as much as a new drone.
  • Laser Blade: As an action the pilot may make a mech piloting check to attack a target at melee range. On a success, the blade deals 1d6 shield piercing damage. The laser blade has two uses before it is expended.

Further, for pilots who favor the use of their disposable equipment, they can look forward to options in the garage that will allow them to expand their total amount of disposable slots! 

We're not quite done with previewing the new equipment that can be expected in the BTE Overdrive expansion as next time we will be taking a look at Counter Paranormal Equipment. Following that, we'll conclude our look at new equipment by previewing X tech mech parts.

Additionally, later this week, I have some exciting news to share regarding another BTE project I've been working on. Until then, thank you for your interest, and I look forward to seeing you at the launch of the Beneath Twisted Earth Premium Versions this summer, and later Beneath Twisted Earth: Overdrive!

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