There Is No Outside - Alpha Release

Greetings, Dan here!

Cloudshore Games released a new TTRPG today, by the name of There Is No Outside. Created for the Minimalist Game Jam being hosted by Binary Star Games it is a game about community building and survival in a liminal labyrinth. Created using The Vibe System it is completely compatible with Cloudshore's other game, Beneath Twisted Earth. Groups will be able to mix and match elements as they see fit. Because of a quick rollout for the game jam, There Is No Outside, is currently in an alpha version. No playtesting has yet taken place, and proofreading has been minimal. If you'd like to help out, pick up a free copy today, and send any feedback to us at

I'm very excited to put this game out there, because it is such a different vibe from BTE. While not explicitly a horror game, The Labyrinth is not a place I would ever want to visit. There Is No Outside can be run as a one shot, or in an ongoing campaign. Would make for a wonderful backup campaign for when not all of your players can make it as it contains procedural tools for Game Masters to roll up new regions to explore in minutes. 

In the weeks to come, I will be pursuing playtesting, and expanding what is currently available. Expected updated versions to come. In the meantime, give it a download and enjoy!


There Is No Outside (Alpha).pdf 531 kB
86 days ago

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